Trinity Hills, Naruvamoodu P.O, TVM- 695528

Mrs Hima S
Assistant professor
Department of Civil Engineering

B.Tech degree in Civil Engineering from Saintgits college of Engineering and Technology, Pathamuttom, Kottayam and Masters Degree from Narayanaguru College of Engineering in Structural Engineering

Mrs. Hima S  received her B.Tech Degree in Civil Engineering from Saintgits College of Engineering and Technology, Pathamuttom, Kottayam. Her Masters degree was from Narayanaguru College of Engineering in Structural Engineering.

Teaching Experience: 3  years

Research Interests: Structural Engineering, Concrete technology, Transportation Engineering


  1. Hima S ‘Experimental Analysis of hybrid fibers on reinforced concrete beams’.

International Conferences

  1. Presented a paper on ‘Performance of Hybrid Fibre on Reinforced Concrete’ (INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT) at Narayanaguru College of Engineering.

National Conferences

  1. Presented a paper on ‘Performance of Hybrid Fibre on Reinforced Concrete-Analysis’ (NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEW TRENDS IN ENGINEERING) at Narayanaguru College of Engineering.
  2. Participated in NASE’15 at Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology,Trivandrum.

Workshops And Training

  1. Primavera Contractor Software training at Saintgits College of Engineering (2011-12)
  2. One day consultancy work for Kitco Constructions for Kottayam mobility hub, 2012
  3. Attended the programme SPARK held at INFOSYS, 2012
  4. Internship for 4 weeks in G.S. builders & Contractors PVT.LTD-Trivandrum ‘FERN TREE HEIGHTS’ project at East Mukkola site.
  5. Attended one day workshop on ‘NEW TRENDS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING’ at Narayanaguru College of Engineering


Courses Handled

Engineering Mechanics, Structural Analysis 1, Structural Analysis 2, Structural Analysis 3, Transportation Engineering  2, Concrete Technology, Construction Management, Air Quality Management

Labs Handled

Civil Engineering Drafting Lab