Trinity IEDC : Ideas Alive
The IEDC (Innovation & Entrepreneurship Development Cell) came into existence in Trinity College of Engineering in 2011. The IEDC Mission is to expand our institution’s perspective to infuse and foster the growth of innovation and entrepreneurship amongst the faculty and students. It also brings about the recognition of ideas and innovations from the study and faculty side and supporting them to make their ideas & dreams a reality. IEDC aims to develop products (either software/hardware) which have market value, prepare business plan and to form a company. It helps to make the students learn the value of product, pricing of the product, marketing strategy, funding and the process of registration of company.
Trinity College’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Center is guided by the Startup mission of Kerala(formerly known as ‘Technopark Technology Business Incubator’). Trinity-IEDC can incubate more than 5 companies and now currently 3 companies are incubated. A dedicated high speed Internet connection and workstations are provided for the startup companies.
The unique strength of the college is that it encourages faculty entrepreneurship as well. The presence of these companies and faculty entrepreneurs provides the best encouragement for student entrepreneurship. Such techno-entrepreneurs on campus are the invaluable asset for mentoring the startups. Various Add on courses, Hands on Workshops and seminars are regularly conducting under Trinity IEDC.
The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Center of the college houses 14 faculty companies . It is a partner in the Additional Skill Acquisition Program of the state government. Trinity College also has a MoU with the ICT Academy of Kerala.
Trinity IEDC is funded by Kerala Startup Mission, Govt of Kerala.
Trinity IEDC holds the position of Cluster Head of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Kerala Technological University’s IEDC Cluster. We have 13 engineering colleges affiliated to KTU are under us.
We conducts short courses on Skill enhancement for all graduates in alignment with Skill India Mission. This courses are jointly conducted by TCT, Kerala State Rutronix , Suprajiv Foundation, Benguluru and faculty companies.
We are the only authorized Centre for Trade Testing and Certification of Skilled Workers (CTTC), in Kerala under the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Govt of India.
Trinity IEDC is the house of Automation garage, IoT labs with latest techno gadgets for hardware fabrication. The CNC machine in the ADML lab is the industrial grade machine where our startup manufactures medical device hardware components for various MNCs.