Mrs.Sabitha A R
Assistant professor
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
B.Tech degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Saitgits College of Engineering Kottayam and Masters degree from Govt. RIT, Kottayam in Industrial Drives and Controls.
Mrs. Sabitha received B.Tech degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Saitgits College of Engineering Kottayam. Masters degree was from Govt. RIT, Kottayam in Industrial Drives and Controls.
Teaching experience: 4.5 years
Research Interests: Power Quality Issues, Designing of Multilevel inverters, RFID Technology
Sabitha A R and S Shanifa Beevi -“ENCODERLESS VECTOR CONTROL OF INTERIOR PMSM WITH INITIAL STATES.” Proc. IEEE International conference on Automation, Computing, Control, Communication and Compressed Sensing, June 2013, pages 342-345.
International Conferences
1. Participated in International Conference on Recent Innovations in Technology (ICRIT) 2012 held at Govt. R I T, Kottayam.
2. IEEE International Multi Conference on “Automation, Computing, Control, Communication and Compressed Sensing” Organized by St. Joseph College of Engineering and Technology, Palai in association with IEEE Kerala Section.
3. The International Conference on Recent Engineering Advances and trends 2016 (INCREAT’16) organized by Pankajakasthuri College of Engineering, Trivandrum.
National Conferences
. National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Technology (NACTET 2014) organized by ECE &EEE Departments of trinity College of Engineering Trivandrum..
Workshops Attended
1. Participated in Faculty Development Program on ‘Recent Trends in Industrial Dries and Control’ held at CET Trivandrum.
2. Participated in three day workshop on ‘LATEX PROGRAMMING’ Organized by the Department of Mathematics, Trinity College of Engineering, Trivandrum.
3. Participated Short Term Training Program on ‘ADVANCEMENTS, APPLICATIONS AND ANALYSIS OF ELECTRICAL MACHINES’ held at Govt. Engineering College Barton Hill Trivandrum..
4. Participated in two day workshop “RC Aircraft Design, Fabrication and Flying”, organised by Trinity College of Engineering.
5. Participated in two day workshop on “MATLAB based embedded system design using ARDUINO ” organised by Trinity college of engineering.
6. Participated in three days FDP on “Solar Photo Voltaic an Application on Smart Grid” held at LBS Institute o Technology for Women, Poojappura
7. Participated in two day FDP on “Embedded System with Arduino” held at Valia Koonambaikulathamma College Engineering and Technology, Parippaly.
8. Participated for FDP in Concept Coaching by ICT Academy of Kerala held at Trinity college of engineering
Participated in one day seminar on Attracting Research Funding : Opportunities & Approaches organized by the internal quality assurance cell , university of Kerala , Transitional Research & Professional Leadership Center , GECBH , Directorate of technical education and Govt. of Kerala held at hotel south park Palayam.
Courses Handled
Basic Electrical, Electromagnetic Theory, Microprocessor, Electronic Communication, Network Analysis and Synthesis ,Electrical Measurement- I, Electronic Instrumentations
Labs Handled
S8-Control System lab S6-Microprocessor and application lab S5-Measurement and instrumentation lab S4-Digital Circuit lab S3-Electronic Circuits lab
Extra Curricular Activities
1. News Letter Editor of Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)Students and Faculty Chapter .
2. Industrial visit Coordinator of EEE department.
3. Electrical Electronics department Association (ELATZ) Secretary
4. Coordinate the NACTET ’15 Conference